Thursday, February 12, 2015

2014 Little League Championship Vacated - Where's the Racism?

The Jackie Robinson West of Chicago Little League team was stripped of the 2014 Little League World Championship because they used ineligible players.

The team was all-black, and it's the first time an all-black team won the Little League world series.

First off..what's the big deal? (In the sense of a history-making achievement proving that one race is just as good as any other race - obviously any team winning a Little League championship is a big deal.)

No one - racist or non-racist - disputes black's athletic abilities (whether they are African-American, African-English, African-Scottish, African-Canadian, African-African, whatever).

It's hard to find a white player on an NBA or WNBA roster (where's the push to get more white athletes involved in those two sports, I wonder?). NFL teams are mostly African American. There's plenty of black players in the MLB (ah, but there's the rub...they're not African-American. Why? Is it because of some racism - or is it because black kids don't want to spend years and years in college on a baseball scholarship when they can spend a year in college on a basketball or football scholarship and then make it to the pros?)

The point is, some of the parents of these Little League kids (and, of course, Jesse Jackson) are saying that the title was vacated because of racism. Because the entire team was black. Really? In the year 2014 with black athletes dominating the NBA and the NFL (and viewership at all time highs) you are going to claim because a Little League team was all black that "whitey" set out to get their win vacated for no other reason than that they were black?

An all black team winning a sporting event is not a big deal.

Call me when an all-black team wins a Geography Bowl, a Spelling Bee, or a Math Bowl, and then is accused of cheating for no other reason then that they are black- that would be racism.

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